
miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Version 3.23

-Skills correctly translated.
-Few grammar corrections.
-More piratish vocabulary added.
-Credits fixed.

-Added a new cooldown icon.

Pirates of the Sea v3.23 EN Opt (old)

Version 3.22 English

Well, well, well. Finally!

I hope many people enjoy of the english PotS version!
And once again, sorry for the huge wait!

Remember I'll ALWAYS consider the support I recibe!
Maybe the comment section is the easier way to support me!

Pirates of the Sea v3.22 EN (Obsolet)

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

English Pirates of The Seas Version

As I see I didn't advanced or recibed backup in a long, long time. I'm finally deciding to translate the game.

So expect an english version early. If I work on it enough, expect it for tomorrow!

Sorry for the wait!!

19/09/12 01:04a.m. Well it's actually coming along just nice! I'll have it ready for today!

Check the new post if you haven't!